For Young Readers:
Ice Drift: Harcourt
Billy the Kid: Harcourt
The Cay: Doubleday / Avon
Air Raid-Pearl Harbor: Harcourt
The Children's War: Doubleday
The Maldonado Miracle: Harcourt
Battle In The Arctic Seas: Thomas Y. Crowell
Teetoncey: Harcourt
Teetoncey and Ben O'Neal: Harcourt
The Odyssey of Ben O'Neal: Harcourt
Battle Off Midway island: Avon
The Trouble With Tuck: Doubleday / Avon
HMS Hood vs. Bismark: Avon
Battle In The English Channel: Avon
Rocket Island: Avon
Walking Up A Rainbow: Harcourt
The Hostage: Delacorte / Dell
Sniper: Harcourt Brace / Avon
Tuck Triumphant: Doubleday / Avon
The Weirdo: Harcourt / Avon
Maria: Harcourt Brace / Avon
Timothy Of The Cay: Harcourt / Avon
Sweet Friday island: Harcourt
The Bomb: Harcourt / Avon
Rogue Wave and Other Red-Blooded Sea Stories: Harcourt / Avon
A Sailor Returns:
Blue Sky Press
Lord of the Kill: Blue Sky Press
Hello, Arctic: Harcourt
The Boy Who Could Fly Without a Motor:
Books for adults:
Making Love to Typewriters: Ivy House
The Magnificent Mitscher: W.W. Norton
Fire On The Beaches: W.W. Norton
The Body Trade: Fawcett
Special Unit Senator: Random House (with Robert Houghton)
A Shepherd Watches, A Shepherd Sings: Doubleday (with Louis Irigaray)
Jule: Random House
The Cats Of Shambala: Simon and Schuster (with Tippi Hedren)
The Stalker: Donald I. Fine / Pocket Books
Monocolo: Donald I. Fine / St. Martins
To Kill The Leopard: Harcourt / Pocket Books
The Flight of Jesse Leroy Brown: / Avon
Additional information:
Publicity Dept.
Bantam Doubleday Dell
1540 Broadway
New York, NY |
Publicity Dept.
525 B Street
Suite 1900
San Diego, CA |
Lord of the Kill
The sequel to Sniper, but this time 15-year-old Ben Jepson is involved with
"canned hunts" and a death threat. Young adult category. Published by Blue Sky
Press/Scholastic, November 2002.
Hello, Arctic
Long, long ago I was in Point Hope, Alaska, for Disney when the seasons
changed from spring and summer to winter almost overnight. My first picture book
for kids the ages of my own great grandchildren is Hello, Arctic. Illustrations
by Margaret Chodos-Irvine. Published by Harcourt, Spring 2001.
A Sailor Returns
A sailor grandfather shows up at his daughter's house in Virginia after
being missing for 30 years, to the thrill and excitement of his grandson. He's
reluctant to tell the family he's been in England's Dartmoor Prison for killing
a fellow seaman. A neighbor is soon murdered and nice Thomas Pentreath becomes a
suspect. Blue Sky Press, 2000.
The Boy Who Could Fly Without A Motor
A fantasy, my first, about a nine-year-old boy suffering from loneliness on
a lighthouse off the coast of California. He learns to levi-tate with some
stunning results. Harcourt, 2002.