Making Love to Typewriters

Welcome Aboard Theodore Taylor's Life And Times

Making Love to Typewriters is Theodore Taylor's autobiography.Making Love To Typewriters
Theodore Taylor’s Autobiography
Now available through and

My personal story began on a lonely country road in the darkest of nights as a round dozen Ku Klux Klan riders holding pineknot torches came by my house in North Carolina. I was four years old, I’m told. The horses and their silent, white-robed Klansmen terrified me. The book goes on to introduce my family and takes me into World War II with service in both the Merchant Marine and the U.S. Navy, in the Atlantic and Pacific theatres of war. I ended my service career by participating in the atomic bombing of Bikini Atoll.

The setting of The Cay came about through sailing the Caribbean and finding the tiny island off the coast of Nicaragua where the fictional Timothy and “Phe-Leep” lived.

My first book was published in 1954 and I soon joined Paramount Pictures as a press agent, then went into production phases of film making. By choice, I worked on pictures made overseas, beginning with Berlin while it was still divided by the Communists. I worked all over the world, gathering research for books. I also wrote, directed and produced documentary films for Paramount, United Artists and Columbia.

I had both the pleasures and perils of working with such stars as Henry Fonda, Clark Gable, Frank Sinatra, William Holden, Steve McQueen, Fred Astaire, Doris Day, and other stars of yesteryear.

Hopefully, the autobiography provides insight into both successes and failures, saluting the many days and nights that I’ve spent making love to the typewriter keys on probably more than thirty of these superb, antecomputer machines.

The presses have also rolled on "Ice Drift," an Inuit survival story set in the Greenland Straits in the 1860s and "Billy the Kid," a gunfighter yarn of the late 1880s.

Contact or to order Making Love To Typewriters, $16.50.


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